Cyberpunk 2077 Trainer

Take on Night City on your terms with these game-changing cheat features.


With this PC trainer, you'll be able to explore Night City and manipulate every aspect of the game. Make yourself super powerful and unlock any character augments, or find every collectable. 

Cyberpunk 2077, the latest game from CD Projekt, is one of the most hotly anticipated games of 2020. The action RPG, which is scheduled to be released on December 10th, 2020, is set in a futuristic American megacity. The city is dangerous, and citizens are constantly under threat, which is why everyone is allowed to carry and use weapons freely.

This will be the first title released by CD Projekt since The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, which was a critical commercial success. If you're looking forward to playing this title, you may want to look for a Cyberpunk 2077 trainer. 

  • Edit: Money
  • Edit: Current Max Weight
  • Edit: Level
  • Edit: Experience

Trainer features

  • Unlimited Health and Stamina
  • Ghost Mode
  • Super Damage
  • Unlimited Use Items
  • No Reload
  • Unlimited Ammo
  • No Recoil
  • Super Accuracy
  • Unlimited Breach Timer
  • Unlimited RAM
  • Fast Reset RAM Skills
  • Easy Crafting and Upgrades
  • Super Move Speed
  • Unlimited Cyberware Double Jump
  • Hover In Air
  • Float Up In Air
  • Float Down In Air
  • Remove Hover Mode
  • Game Speed

Download Our Premium Cheat For Cyberpunk 2077

Play your game your way. Blast through every mission, complete any challenge or achievement and see everything the game has to offer with our premium cheating features!

The Surge 2 Hack

Powerful features

Completely change the gaming experience with game-changing features that let you play your way.

trainer manager icon


Load your hack software into the game in seconds, and activate each powerful feature with a click or keypress.

daily cheat updates icon


Ensure you always have working cheats. Your software is updated if game updates break the features.

safe to use software icon


Download the Trainer Manager for free. Update any title's trainer version with a single click!

Don't wait, get access to the trainer manager now!

Safe & Secure
Cyberpunk 2077 Trainer

Don’t risk your PC’s security by downloading random software cheats from the internet. At Touchgen, our trainer software is 100% free of viruses or spyware and completely safe to run on your PC.
Once you’ve installed the free Touchgen cheating manager, you can easily download and update all of your trainer software. You’ll never have to download another trainer from a sketchy online website again!

Even better, you can update your trainers from the manager software with a single click, making it easy to keep your game hacks up-to-date.

Create Your Own Cheats!

Want to learn how to hack the game yourself? Create your own game cheats for free with the CoSMOS cheating tool. Start off in 'beginner mode' which presents a simple UI that makes it easy to start creating your first hack features. Follow our step-by-step features to become a game cheating master!

Can You Use Cheats In Cyberpunk 2077?

When Cyberpunk 2077 launches, it will exclusively feature single-player gameplay, which means PC games will be able to use hacks and cheats to their heart's content. People that are playing on console will be unable to use the majority of these cheats.

Cyberpunk 2077 was originally scheduled to released with multiplayer, but it was later announced that multiplayer would be added to the game after release. It's likely that there will be more interest in Cyberpunk 2077 trainers after multiplayer is available, but it's also likely that CD Projekt will take some precautions against cheats.

It's likely that the cheats people use when Cyberpunk 2077 launches won't be the same hacks that people will be playing with down the road when multiplayer releases. This is something that you'll want to keep in mind if you decide to download a cheat trainer to use with this game.

Why Choose Touchgen Trainers?

  • 26,000+ Trainers Available - Download trainers for all your favorite titles!
  • Feature Packed Cheats - More features included in each trainer than the competition, for more ways to play.
  • Constantly Updated - New trainers added daily, with multiple trainer updates per day.
  • Community & Support - Get help with any trainer, or share your tips with other members on the community boards or discord.
  • Safe To Use - Don't take a risk downloading trainers from sketchy sites. Download your trainers securely through the trainer manager software.

Why Cheat In Cyberpunk?

Like with any game, there are plenty of great reasons to use cheats when you play this title. Some people only have a limited amount of time to spend on video games. Using cheats means that they'll have more than enough time to get through Cyberpunk 2077's story and get their money's worth out of the game.

Other people prefer to use cheats in a multiplayer setting. Some players are able to spend thousands of hours practicing and honing their skills. With the right Cyberpunk 2077 trainer, you'll be able to keep up with those players and maintain a competitive edge. Even though the game won't have multiplayer functionality at launch, you'll want to think about how you want to play the game in the future.

At the end of the day, it's up to you to decide whether you want to use cheats when you play Cyberpunk 2077. Games like this aren't cheap, and you should make sure you play the game in a way that you'll enjoy. When you use cheats, you'll be able to have the sort experience you want with this game. Whether you want to make the game easier or even more challenging, you'll be the one in control. 

Cyberpunk 2077 Game Trainer

Why Hack Your Game?

  • Use cheating software to easily get through difficult parts of the game or disable annoying game mechanics
  • 100% your game on the hardest difficulty!
  • Replay missions to find secrets and get more unlocks!
  • Hack the game and play around with the game mechanics!

Is It Safe To Use Cheats?

As long as you download your cheats from a reliable site, there are no risks to using hacks when you play Cyberpunk 2077. You can feel free to modify the game to your heart's content. Whether you choose to use cheats that impact gameplay or change the game in other ways, a trainer will give you more control over the final product.

With that said, there are going to be some risks if you continue to use cheats when multiplayer is added to the game. Many companies use tools that are designed to detect hacks, and in some cases, companies will ban players from online play when they are caught using cheats.

Since Cyberpunk 2077's multiplayer mode has yet to be released, it's hard to say how CD Projekt will wind up cracking down on cheats. It's always best to proceed with caution when using cheats in multiplayer games. When you look for a cheat trainer, you should aim to find something that is difficult or even impossible to detect.

When you pay for games, you should be able to have the experience that you want to have. That's why you should feel free to use a Cyberpunk 2077 trainer. Now that you have answers to some of your questions about cheat trainers, you can decide what you'd like to do next. No matter what you decide, you can aim to have a great time with this exciting new game.

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Create your free account to download the trainer manager and try out a selection of our free trainers, or upgrade to premium for access to unlimited downloads of 26,000+ trainers!

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