cheathappens trainer manager software

Comprehensive CheatHappens Review (2025)

Is this PC gaming trainer website worth your money?

If you've spent any time looking for PC trainers for games, it's likely that come across CheatHappens at some point. They're one of the best-known game trainer providers around and have been in business since 2001. But are they legit? Or is all just hype? To find out, we conducted a comprehensive review to see if their service lives up to what they promise on their website: read our full report below! We also recommend our Reviews of WeMod, and GameCopyWorld.

What Is CheatHappens? is one of the most well-recognized and longstanding trainer websites on the internet, with over 20 years since their founding in 2001! The team here has been developing game cheats for PC games to build an incredible community that now releases new trainers daily as they update multiple different trainers every day. If you haven't signed up yet, you're missing out - Cheat Happens has grown into a major provider of trainers online by supporting almost all new released PC games while having 50k downloads from their website per day!

READ MORE - About CheatHappens

On their homepage, you'll see they display the latest and most popular cheats they offer on their homepage. These are usually the latest new releases that people want to cheat in. This is actually a great place to see which games you might want to check out, since many games are more fun with cheats. And, if you have an Xbox Game Pass for PC membership, many of these games will be available to you for free already!

Next on their site you'll see the CheatHappens 'Trainer Manager' software being highlighted. That's because it's one of the features that makes CH so unique. With this software you can search for any trainer they offer, and download it with a click. After it's installed on your PC, the manager software can be used to update it any time a new update is released, with a single click. This makes managing your trainers much easier.

Also shown is the free CoSMOS Memory Scanner and game hacking tool. This is similar in many ways to the well known Cheat Engine cheating software, but is much easier to get started with if you are interested in creating your own cheats. It's fantastic that this game hacking tool is included with any CheatHappens membership since it opens up many more avenues for cheating.

Finally at the bottom of the CH homepage you can see recently updated board posts. These are either discussions that members are having, or the trainers that the community is talking the most about. One thing I really like about this service is that with so many active members, you can get tips from others, or quickly get game and trainer specific questions answered without having to contact support or post somewhere else like the Steam discussions.

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CheatHappens Perks

Here's some of the reasons you might want to try CheatHappens.

  • They have possibly the biggest library and support for the largest number of games, with over 27,000 trainers available on their service.
  • One of the few trainer sites that offers a lifetime membership, so you can pay once and have lifetime access to current trainers as well as new games.
  • We found it easy to download and update trainers through their trainer manager software.

The Cheat Features

Cheats are really useful for getting the most out of your game when you need that little extra boost. Some trainers can do everything from boosting stats to making it seem like there's no enemies in a level, which is perfect if you're feeling frustrated or stuck on one particular part of a game and want some help. There's also plenty of different kinds available with CH's trainers so whether you just want an editor or something more complex with lots of options, they're likely to have something for you.

When we look at the range offered by these cheat programs, we should note how important the quality of features are as well as their variety-the wider selections provided allow players to find whichever feature meets their specific preferences to accomplish what they want to do in the game.

With CheatHappens, you can hack into the games that are too hard for you to beat. The site offers a wide range of features in most trainers with 15+ hacks available which include every common and advanced hacking option from infinite health, gold, EXP points editing or 'one-hit-kills' all the way up to more uncommon options like teleporting back to saved point or even customizing your character's items and stats! 

With their support for many smaller titles on Steam, these games may not have as many trainer features included but it'll have enough hacks so give them a try if they're what we talking about! Typically if a game ends up turning out to be a good game and gains a larger audience, then they'll add more features to the cheat per the community's requests.

Read More - Cheat Feature Basics

You can expect the following basics with any of these trainers:

  • Trainer has options for unlimited lives, ammo, or energy, among others when applicable.
  • Trainer has the ability to play offline with no risk of being banned.
  • The trainer has a user-friendly interface and is simple to use.
  • The trainer doesn’t interfere with other installed software.
  • There are no ads in the trainer software as a premium member.

Common Trainer Features And What They Do

Unlimited Health
This feature will stop your character from taking damage when enabled. It is also often known as God Mode.

Unlimited Ammo / No Reload
This feature will prevent you from having to reload, or ever run out of ammo. These can both be separate features. Unlimited ammo ensures you never run out of ammo.

Game Speed
This feature will speed up or slow down the entire game, so things happen quickly, or it becomes like slow-mo. This feature can be handy in games where you have to wait for something to happen, or in games where you need to have lightning-fast reflexes to react to an opponent.

Teleport To Waypoint
In some games, you will have the option to teleport to a checkpoint, custom waypoint, or quest objective. This can be a big time-saver in some longer games that include back-tracking or a lot of walking.

Walk Through Walls
This feature, also known as 'No Clip', will allow you to walk through solid objects. Using this can be extremely helpful in reaching hidden portions of the game. You can bypass locked doors and find secret passages and items in-game.

We Liked The Frequent Trainer Updates

Do you ever find yourself frustrated that your game trainers don't work after a big update? Well, CheatHappens has the answer! With their trainer manager, they allow players to download and keep track of all updates. The best part is that with an actual staff working on supporting this software as well as frequent updates from them, there are no worries about whether or not your cheats will continue to be updated for the latest game version.

days gone trainer features

CheatHappens has solved this problem with their trainer manager, which lets you download trainers to your PC and update them with a single click when an update becomes available. They also have frequent updates so that you never get stuck without working cheats from the team of amazing people here who are constantly on top of things.

Read More - Trainer Updates

CheatHappens Trainer Updates Daily

In the screenshot above taken from the CheatHappens website (July 30th), you can see they release multiple trainer updates, and new trainers, every single day. I have found their support to be second-to-none compared to other trainer providers.

They seem to take supporting their cheats very seriously, and I think this is one of the reasons they have so many active customers sticking with them.

If a cheat does stop working due to a game update, it's easy to report it through the trainer manager software. This lets the team know that an update may need to be released, so they can more quickly respond. You can also check the game boards for that trainer, and usually other members will be chiming in if a cheat is out of date.

Quality Instructions & Support

CheatHappens has made it easy to break the game rules and get ahead in your favorite titles. When you download one of their many trainers, they come with helpful instructions, and many include video demonstrations of how all the features work, as well as a detailed explanation readme so you know how everything works before diving in.

On CheatHappens, trainers are given their own boards where the community can share tips and advice with others and stay connected. You can find out useful tricks for the game or get clarification on a problem you're struggling with by asking other users about it.

They have a created a great online community where gamers from all over the world come together in order to discuss video games they love-or sometimes hate! They post screenshots of what's happening so that everyone else can see how far along they are, ask questions like "does anyone know any cheats for ___?" or just chat casually amongst themselves about things unrelated to gaming but nonetheless entertaining enough to keep you on the forums seeing what's going on.

Membership & Pricing

The 'catch' with CheatHappens versus the old-school trainer sites is that they require a paid membership to access their trainers. When I originally heard about this site it seemed silly to me, but after trying out their free trials and seeing how quickly I was able to use the trainers; I became hooked on having all of my favorite cheats at one easy location.  I also didn't want to worry about my PC getting an infection from a virus, and since I could trust this trainer provider was safe it took a burden off of my shoulders.

I opted for a lifetime membership to Cheathappens, and it was an excellent choice looking back. Now I have access to a trainer for just about any new game that is released with them always being up-to-date so I can still use them after each game update or DLC when it releases on the market.

cheathappens premium membership cost

If you're looking for a little help to level up on your favorite video games, CheatHappens is the place. Not only does it offer lifetime memberships that won't expire or go unused like those other sites do, but they also have monthly and yearly options as well. You can sign up with them by choosing one of three different time frames: 1-month membership which will last for just 30 days; 12 months if you want something more long term; or lifetime! I'd highly recommend picking up a membership soon before they realize how good a deal the current plans are. I'm mostly upset that I didn't join even sooner!

CheatHappens Premium Lifetime is a great value over time. Which membership is right for you?

Members have a variety of subscription options to choose from. From 1-month memberships all the way up to lifetime subscriptions. If you aren't sure which option best suits your lifestyle or budget then try the 1-month membership—but don't wait too long before upgrading to lifetime because it's well worth it when you finally start playing games again just to take advantage of the cheats.

Lifetime is by far the best option, since most of us are lifelong gamers and will be using trainers years from now.

Being able to rely on simply searching in the trainer manager for a new game you want to cheat in, and immediately downloading a trainer is great. See Cheathappens membership options.

Virtual Reality Game Support

The latest addition to the CH service is support for games in virtual reality, showing that they're looking forward and not content with resting on their laurels. If you play titles like Fallout or Borderlands 2 VR, it's nice to have access to a trainer that works in VR so you can get cheats just as if playing regular PC versions of these video game titles. Even though right now many people don't own a headset yet--virtual reality isn't going anywhere soon--so it's quite possible you may want to start playing games in VR within the next few years and may be interested at using this new option that's being offered.

Xbox Game Pass For PC Cheat Support

CheatHappens offers cheats for Xbox Game Pass for PC titles. If you're not a subscriber, be sure to check this membership out since they offer hundreds of games with many being Triple-A quality and more are added regularly! The CH website and trainer manager has an easy way of finding these supported games: all cheats for those games can be found by looking under "Xbox Games Pass" on their site.

This offers an easy way for gamers who are looking for something new to play that also has cheats available and ready to go. You'll never have to sit around wondering what game you should pick up next.

Our Conclusion

We found that CheatHappens is a top choice for trainers, and our favorite out of all the trainer software we've tried. They support pretty much every notable game released with feature packed trainers to help you get ahead in-game without having to play it yourself!

The trainer manager software was easy enough for us to figure out after downloading, and there's always someone available to help out through their forums if you run into any problems while using the software. One downside might be they require membership but since lifetime memberships are so affordable I think it's well worth paying up front now rather than paying monthly or yearly as some other sites require you to do. Join CH here.

  • 27,000+ trainers available with their service.
  • Daily updates keeping your trainer working with the latest game version.
  • New games are being added to the service every day.
  • Powerful features, typically with 15+ features included in trainers.
  • Lifetime membership available. Pay once and never again!